Overcome Your Fear of Needles: Harness the Power of Hypnotherapy for a Calm and Confident Mindset

Needle phobia, or trypanophobia, is a common condition that can cause significant distress and avoidance behaviour. It's not just a simple dislike of needles; for many, the fear can be intense and paralyzing, leading to the avoidance of necessary medical treatments and procedures. This phobia can stem from various sources, including a traumatic experience, a fear of pain, or even a learned response from observing others. Fortunately, there are effective treatments available, and one increasingly popular method is solution-focused hypnotherapy.

Understanding Needle Phobia

Needle phobia can manifest in several ways, including:

  1. Anxiety: Anticipating a needle can cause intense anxiety or panic attacks.

  2. Vasovagal Response: This is a physical reaction where the sight of a needle can cause fainting or dizziness.

  3. Avoidance: People with needle phobia may go to great lengths to avoid situations where needles are involved, such as blood tests, vaccinations, or even minor medical procedures.

This fear can significantly impact an individual's health by preventing them from seeking necessary medical care.

How does it help

Solution-focused hypnotherapy combines the principles of solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) with hypnosis. Unlike traditional therapy, which often delves into past experiences, solution-focused hypnotherapy emphasises creating positive change by focusing on the present and future. It helps clients identify and achieve specific goals, utilizing the relaxed and suggestible state of hypnosis to reinforce positive thinking and behaviour.

In the context of needle phobia, solution-focused hypnotherapy can help individuals:

  • Manage Anxiety: Hypnosis can induce a deeply relaxed state, reducing the anxiety and fear associated with needles.

  • Change Perceptions: By focusing on positive imagery and suggestions, individuals can alter their negative perceptions and beliefs about needles.

  • Build Confidence: The therapy aims to empower individuals, helping them feel more in control of their responses and reactions.

How does it work?


This session is dedicated to our relaxation hypnotherapy. Through solution-focused confidence hypnotherapy, we concentrate on solutions rather than dwelling on past problems. We will envision the life you desire creating a mental landscape of possibilities without these fears & phobias.

For about 30 in minuets, you will experience deep relaxation, providing respite from incessant overthinking. It is like treating your brain to a massage! During relaxion your entire mind enters an ideal state to absorb the vison of your desired life without those fears and phobias.


This Technique was developed to help patients with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). When the brain encounters a traumatic event, the brain doesn’t process it correctly and the memory gets stuck. The event will then be moved from the short-term memory to the long-term memory.

Then under hypnosis as its very relaxing and calm we ask our clients to visualise a huge screen where they are asked to watch themselves watching the screen. This is a dissociation technique where we then ask them to play the film forwards and backwards until they are dissociated with the traumatic event. This same technique can be used for phobias.


During this session we look at the positive future without that fear/phobia. We discuss the ideal outcome and create an ideal scenario.

Under hypnosis, the mind can’t tell the difference between imagination and reality. It accepts our fairy tale ending as real and will therefore refer to it in the future. When they next encounter that old phobia the brain will remember the last memory pattern.








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