Reduce your Stress & Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are common experience that affect people in various ways.

Stress is the body's response to any demand or challenge. It can be triggered by both positive and negative events, such as starting a new job, experiencing financial strain, or encountering a difficult situation.

Anxiety, on the other hand, is a feeling of apprehension, worry, or unease about future uncertainties. While it's normal to feel anxious in certain situations, such as before a job interview or a big presentation excessive or persistent anxiety that interferes with daily life may indicate an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders encompass a range of conditions, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety and specific phobias.

How can hypnotherapy help stress and anxiety?

During our sessions, we will spend 60& of the time exploring how you approach life and cope with stress and anxiety. We will look at everyday occurrences that contribute to your stress levels and equip you with practical skills to prevent these thoughts. Together, we'll shift focus to appreciating life’s simple pleasure often overlooked.

The remaining 40% or our session is dedicating to our relaxation hypnotherapy. Through solution-focused anxiety hypnotherapy, we concentrate on solutions rather than dwelling on past problems. We will envision the life you desire creating a mental landscape of possibilities.

For about 30 in minuets, you will experience deep relaxation, providing respite from incessant overthinking. It is like treating your brain to a massage! During relaxion your entire mind enters an ideal state to absorb the vison of your desired life.